TPO membrane Flagon (one-layer reinforced roofing membrane on a thermoplastic polyolefins base) is a material of a fundamentally new quality class, perfect for any roofing syste. It is successfully used in all climatic zones of Ukraine and Europe. The membrane is characterized by high strength, elasticity, resistance to UV rays, frost resistance, fire resistance. At the same time having many positive properties of PVC-membranes, TPO membrane Flagon has a number of significant advantages:
- from physical and mechanical properties point of view Flagon TPO membrane with thickness of 1.2 mm is completely interchanged PVC membrane 1.5 mm;
- without volatile plasticizers, which in time can make roof less plasticity and create conditions for cracking material. Also the volatile fractions that into PVC make PVC membrane dangerous for environment;
- compatible with bituminous materials and extruded polystyrene foam, which allows to use it for roofs rehabilitation without disassembly old coatings;
- combustibility group for TPO membrane Flagon is G2, which makes possible to use it on roofs with large areas without fire protection crosscuts firewalls.
Flagon TPO membrane can be used for new roofs, reconstruction of existing roofs, also in cases if the roof will be exposed to high mechanical loads during exploitation and building. Total costs for installing Flagon TPO membranes based on bigger rolls area, high speed of works and other advantages (mounted only in one layer, requires much less time and efforts) are significantly lower than costs for PVC membranes. The price for 1 m2 of membrane layer is comparable or even lower than the price of 2 layers of bitumen-polymer top-class material. TPO membrane quality and durability is much higher, and not comparable with bituminous membranes. Part of TPO membrane roofing materials on the market is growing, first of all due to widely used membranes for renovation existing roofs, where the quality of the material and production time are decisive for the customer.